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Shyr'Pays Gallery Ne'tjeru Gallery


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Martian Desertwolf

by Magic
The Martian Desertwolf was bred to take care of the vermin in the sewers of the Mars Base as well as in its jungles. Perfectly adapted to hunt and kill, it became the symbol of survival and strength.
When the Shyr'Pays returned to Earth, they took a small number of Desertwolves with them, whose offspring are now living in some of the Earth bases.

Martian Snakeneck Cougar

by Magic
The Snakeneck Cougar was a genetic experiment, created to control a snake problem in the canals that connected the domes of the Mars base. Agile and an excellent swimmer, it was a successful hunter, but too dependent on its prey. It became extinct after the catastrophe that destroyed the biosphere.

Martian Biosphere

by Mario Toupin
This CGI-Image of the Shyr'Pays Mars base was created by the very talented Mario Toupin. It gives a good impression of how the biosphere-structure with the domes under it might have looked.
The pyramids are made from a special material that works like a photo-electric cell and produce energy.

Martian Biosphere

by Birgit Kohls
An early sketch of the Martian base shows nine domes under a forcefield sphere. Between the main domes are smaller domes that serve as living quarters. Also, rivers, lakes and parks had been planned.
The idea of a forcefield sphere was later abandoned in favor of an easier to repair and managable greenhouse-like biosphere structure. The number of domes was increased to 12.

Ca'Ira Tani Hat'Matu

by Birgit Kohls
Ca'Ira Tani Hat'Matu is a dedicated young Shyr'Pays Voice.
A Voice controls and manipulates the actions of the Pawns, the human subjects of the Shyr'Pays.


by Birgit Kohls
The Shyr'Pays BLImp - Biological Link-up Implant - allows two-way communication and visual contact between the Pawn and the Voice. The extensions are connected to the visual and audio nerves in the brain.

Ian Lewell

by Birgit Kohls
Ian Lewell, also known as the General, is a very skilled soldier and dedicated Pawn. He's known to be merciless towards the enemies of the Shyr'Pays.

Cathy Miyazima

by Birgit Kohls
Catherine Miyazima, nicknamed Cathy by her colleagues and friends, works in her own car repair shop to earn a living. Also, she's a Pawn team leader.


Shyr'Pays Gallery Ne'tjeru Gallery


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© 2000 (Birgit Stäbler, Birgit Kohls, Eva "Magic" Gillmann, Francis Durbas)


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